Need for Counselling

Need for Counselling

If one wants to study abroad, they need to know the location that is suitable for them, the weather conditions which play an important role in their mental health, and the right selection of colleges that will suit their character. For example, some children cannot handle large colleges and required more dedicated attention from faculty. Hence, a smaller college would give them the security and attention they would require. This information may be available on the internet, but due to the boundless choices available, it is often confusing and stressful to know what type of college would be the best fit. That is why they need a professional who can guide them through the entire process, starting from selection of the institution.
Through my counselling service, I provide a psychometric analysis that gives both the students and me a clear picture of their strengths. The analysis is a great guide in helping match students’ preferences with data that shows where they could be best placed. Hence, a counsellor is a must for a smooth selection and transition process.
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