About Usharani Kannan

Hailing from Chennai, Usharani Kannan had been in the hospitality and travel industry for more than 10 years. She has worked with the United Nations in Cyprus as a Senior Administrative Assistant and with Care Canada in Croatia. She also possesses experience as an Ad-Hoc translator with the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees in Cyprus. She has been working as a freelance study abroad and career counsellor since 2012.
She started having an interest in counselling for study abroad because of her children. In the past decade, she has assisted many friends' children to select colleges and has supported inthe application processes for undergraduate and higher studies in the United States and Canada. 18 years of living abroad and continuous travel and contact with students has given her a lot of experience with less mainstream education and career opportunities.
In Usharani Kannan’s words, “When my children started applying to colleges abroad, I was fully involved in the college selection and application processes which led to my interest in this field. I knew of other parents who sent their children to study abroad and struggled through the process due to a lack of professional services. I remember the anxiety that both my friends and I had as parents, and also the stress my children and their peers were under when applying for college.
Hence, I can relate to parents and students and want to help them holistically to go through the process, minimizing their stress and acting as a source of guidance and support. As a result of my freelance experience, I got to know many other smaller colleges too which provide a high standard of education. I would like to pass on my knowledge to students and parents for a successful education and career.”
I would like to give the best services to students. It is not always important to go to Ivy League colleges or top colleges, there are equally good colleges that impart good knowledge and are more feasible financially compared to top colleges. I would like to help students to select the right fit colleges and also guide them in their career choice. I believe that students are the future of the world and I would like to guide them holistically to be good citizens of the world.